Home is Everywhere, Everywhere is Home

I watched the mountainside writhe in orange. Stark against the deepening sky, the dance of fire looked deadly and unavoidable. Heroic efforts by helicopters and firefighters wrestled the great beast down, only for it to start ravening on the next range a few miles over. This deadly waltz of fire and firefighters continued for ten days in the fag-end of 2023. Thankfully, there was no loss of human life or property.

The Sunken Stories and Ancient Wisdom of the Great African Seaforest

When we originally formed SCP it was a way for us to produce the occasional creative project while immersing ourselves in the kelp forests which we named the Great African Seaforest. As a group we realised that by giving our kelp forests a name we were giving it an unique identity and a presence that connected it to the kelp forests of the world, but also distinguished it as a particular ecosystem found on the shores of Southern Africa.

Oceans of Fantasy, Oceans of Reality

When I was a young girl, there was a Boney M song that I loved. The song was called “Oceans of Fantasy”. It spoke of a dreamscape underwater world filled with life and magic. At the time, a lack of swimming skills and a fear of water after a near-drowning incident made it unlikely that […]

Stepping into Nature’s Matrix

We are nature. Biodiversity can be seen as the immune system of the planet, making its loss our greatest crisis that exacerbates climate change.

My Octopus Teacher and Me

Craig Foster’s wife speaks about the octopus teacher, learning to swim, and eventually free diving herself.

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